Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Galaxy itself is created by god.
life is created by god.
earth is where humans, animals or sud i say life...live in..
this body we r in..
it is jz a costume made by god himself..
a costume so special..that we can connect ourself to tis costume..
any injuries and pain can be experienced

wat we r..is jz a soul..
a soul that rent tis costume from god..
rent it wif the gud deeds we made in life.
soul which have more gud deeds,
are able to rent human costume
for those who don't,
jz able to affort a cheaper costume call animal's costume..

everything, including costumes..
are easy to spoiled..
spoiling it, n the owner have the rights to take it back...
if ur rental have expired
the owner also have the rights to take it back..

slowly seeing god taking back one by one...
makes everyone in pain
i believe...
if we are able to come to this earth once..
not doin soo much bad stuff..
once agn..we are able to rent this human costume..
and walk on earth..

once again - RIP - 2nd Grandaunty
Bong Zheng Yi (buddy)